Little Known HOA Requirements for Exterior Painting

So you saw some cool ideas on pinterest and your looking for painters in houston to paint your house but you have one obstacle standing in the way of your exterior painting: the home owners association. Before even going to the paint store we need to contact your HOA to make sure your colors get approved.

HOA Compliance

Being non-compliant with your exterior paint job can cause your HOA to issue you a fine. Depending on the situation this could lead to more fines if the color isnt changed back in the time they require. The last thing you want is HOA fines and paying your house painters twice to do the job.

This hassle however can be avoided. By reaching out to your HOA often the process is as simple as filling out a form and/or supplying an exact color swatch matching the color you have decided on. Sometimes it takes a bit for the HOA to get back to you, but trust me its worth avoiding the drama.


The more proactive thing you can do to get started on your exterior project is to reach out to your HOA because until you receive HOA approval your residential painting job is stalled..

What are your HOA's Restrictions?

Most HOA's do not want you paint job to have bright, loud, or unusual colors. Find out what the restrictions are so that you are compliant. Sometimes they have a list of colors you are limited to. Other times they just want to ensure you are not doing anything that disrupts the consistent look of your neighborhood. The HOA's job is to make sure the houses in the neighborhood look friendly, inviting and uniform.

What are the neighbors doing?

Do you have a neighbor who freshly painted their house and they transformed their red brick into a white lime wash? Are all the houses in your area in a similar style? When looking for inspiration we reccomend finding colors you like on pinterest and other websites and then taking a look through your neighborhood and seeing if there is anything that is similar. If you have a neighbor down the street and you really like their color selection that's great! Find a similar color scheme to that house and submit it to your HOA and you may get approved right there on the spot.

Get it approved

Once you have done your research and followed the tips above it is time to submit your colors to the HOA. Be proactive and submit your colors before you reach out. You might just get approved right then and there. If not your HOA will review your color choices and direct you towards colors that meet the requirements of the neighborhood.

Let us contact HOA for you

Part of the service we offer when doing our color consultations is reaching out to your HOA for you so you dont have to go through the hassle. We will help you figure out what colors work for you and give our reccomendations on what we think will comply with the HOA. Our experienced painters are ready to tackle any project using quality products creating exception results. We are passionate about making your home look brand new with colors that reflect your own individual personality. Call today for a free estimate or click here.


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