Exterior Price Guide

Painting Services in Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City and the Surrounding Area

We find that your average house in Houston, Sugar Land, Missouri City and the surrounding area can fall into 4 categories. Small, medium, large and since everything is bigger in Texas, extra large. Here are some examples of jobs we have done and what to expect in terms of price and how long the job will take.

Smaller Houses

1 Story Brick House

1000-2000 Square Feet

$2599.00 - $3999.00

Medium Houses

2 Story

2000 - 3000 square feet

$3999.00 - $7499.00

Large Houses

2-3 Story

3000 - 5000+ square feet

$7499.00 and up

Our fabulous crew of experienced painters use quality products to ensure your homes interior and exterior is an amazing job inside and out.